Minister Nemra delivered this statement today at the UNESCAP 4th Conference of Ministers for Transport -December 16-17th, 2021
Hon. Casten N. Nemra Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of the Marshall Islands Iakwe and greetings from the Republic of the Marshall Islands. I would like to acknowledge and commend the Undersecretary General and all participants to these meetings for the excellent array of background material and thinking that has gone into the draft Ministerial Declaration. Although much does not obviously apply to our situation – we have no rail links or overland connectivity with Europe – we fully recognize that investment in green transport has lagged far behind other sectors and this region now has a major game of catch-up on our hands. We can support in general terms, the body and intent of this draft Declaration and commend the drafting team for their excellent work. As a representative of the climate most vulnerable nations, it would be remiss of me not to underscore the critical importance of tackling decarbonisation of the transport sector and the import...